Publicaciones: Psicología Positiva y Salud

A continuación se muestra una lista de todas las publicaciones realizadas en el campo de Psicología Positiva y Salud:

  1. Peláez-Fernández, M. A., Mérida-López, S., Yudes, C., & Extremera, N. (2024). How can the Social Family Climate Contribute to Emotional Intelligence in Preventing Suicidal Ideation and Promoting Life Satisfaction Among Adolescents?. Applied Research in Quality of Life, Descarga.
  2. Chang, E. C., Sánchez-Álvarez, N., Rey, L., & Extremera, N. (2024). Examining optimism and flourishing as protective factors of suicidality across the adult lifespan: A cross-sectional investigation in three Spanish age groups. Death Studie, Enlace. Descarga.
  3. Franco-Paredes, K., Díaz-Reséndiz, F. J., Peláez-Fernández, M. A., & Bautista-Díaz, M. L. (2024). Variables that explain disordered eating behaviors among women: the mediating role of body dissatisfaction. Eating and Weight Disorders – Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, 29 4. Enlace. Descarga.
  4. Mérida-López, S., Quintana-Orts, C., Pekaar, K. A., Pineda-Galán, C., & Extremera, N. (2024). Knowing is half the battle: Regulating and appraising emotions co-protect from suicidal ideation. Death Studies, Enlace. Descarga.
  5. Castro-Lopez, V. R., Franco-Paredes, K., Peláez-Fernández, M. A., & Trujillo Chi Vacuán, E. M. (2023). Emotional intelligence subdimensions as moderators in the association between body dissatisfaction and symptoms of eating disorders among female Mexican adolescents. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 56 (4), 770-777. Enlace. Descarga.
  6. Chang, E. C., Sánchez-Álvarez, N., Rey, L., & Extremera, N. (2023). Beyond positive psychological processes: does self-rated emotional intelligence still matter in predicting depressive symptoms in older adults?. Current Psychology, Enlace. Descarga.
  7. Guzman-Parra, J., Sánchez-Álvarez, N., Guzik, J., Bergero-Miguel, T., De Diego-Otero, Y., & Pérez-Costillas, L. (2023). The Impact of Stressful Life Events on Suicidal Ideation in Gender Dysphoria: A Moderator Effect of Perceived Social Support. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 52 2205-2213. Enlace. Descarga.
  8. López-Linares, S., García-León, A., & Sánchez-Álvarez, N. (2023). Intervenciones en Psicología Positiva para la disminución de la depresión y el fomento del bienestar en personas ma-yores de 60 años: Una revisión sistemática de la última década (2012-2022). Terapia Psicológica, 41 (1), 111-136. Enlace. Descarga.
  9. Peláez-Fernández, M. A., Romero-Mesa, J., Franco-Paredes, K., & Extremera, N. (2023). The moderating role of emotional intelligence in the link between self-esteem and symptoms of eating disorders. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 56 (4), 778-782. Enlace. Descarga.
  10. Sánchez-Álvarez, N., Chang, E. C., Rey, L., & Extremera, N. (2023). Examining the incremental validity of self-reported emotional intelligence over positive and negative affectivity and dispositional optimism in predicting psychological adjustment across adulthood. Personality and Individual Differences, 209 112218. Enlace. Descarga.
  11. Bandera-Pastor, L., Quintana-Orts, C., & Rey, L. (2022). Afrontamiento resiliente y miedo a perderse algo en tiempos de pandemia por Covid-19: un estudio piloto sobre el papel moderador de la regulación emocional. Health and Additions / Salud y Drogas, 22 (1), 253-267. Enlace. Descarga.
  12. Chang, O. D., Sánchez-Álvarez, N., Rey, L., Extremera, N., Kwon, M., & Li, M. (2022). Gratitude, Emotional Intelligence, and Life Satisfaction Among Older Adults: Evidence for a Broaden-and-Build Model or an Amplification Model?. Journal of Happiness Studies, 23 2597-2611. Enlace. Descarga.
  13. Neto, J., Quintana-Orts, C., & Neto, F. (2022). Acculturation, adaptation, and loneliness among Cape Verdean immigrants. International Journal of Intercultural Relation, 87 98-107. Enlace. Descarga.
  14. Peláez-Fernández, M. A., Rey, L., & Extremera, N. (2022). Pathways from emotional intelligence to well-being and health outcomes among unemployed: Mediation by health-promoting behaviours. Journal of Health Psychology, 27 (4), 879-889. Enlace. Descarga.
  15. Peláez-Fernández, M. A., Sepúlveda, A. R., & Compte, E. J. (2022). Editorial: Eating Disorders and Weight Disorders: Assessment, Early Diagnosis, Prognosis, Treatment Outcome and the Role of Potential Psychological and Social Factors. Frontiers in Psychology, 13 924815. Enlace. Descarga.
  16. Romero-Mesa, J., Peláez-Fernández, M. A., & Extremera, N. (2022). Inteligencia emocional y síntomas de trastornos alimentarios en adultos españoles: Evidencias sobre el rol mediador de las estrategias de regulación cognitivo emocional. European Journal of Education and Psychology, 15 (1), 1-18. Enlace. Descarga.
  17. Chang, E. C., Sánchez-Álvarez, N., Rey, L., Extremera, N., & Chang, O. D. (2021). Chronic negative mood and emotional strengths: Some evidence for using emotions as a specific buffer to the problem of suicide. Personality and Individual Differences, 168 110384. Enlace. Descarga.
  18. Peláez-Fernández, M. A., Rey, L., & Extremera, N. (2021). A Sequential Path Model Testing: Emotional Intelligence, Resilient Coping and Self-Esteem as Predictors of Depressive Symptoms during Unemployment. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (2), 697. Enlace. Descarga.
  19. Peláez-Fernández, M. A., Romero-Mesa, J., & Extremera, N. (2021). From Deficits in Emotional Intelligence to Eating Disorder Symptoms: A Sequential Path Analysis Approach Through Self-Esteem and Anxiety. Frontiers in Psychology, 12 713070. Enlace. Descarga.
  20. Romero-Mesa, J., Peláez-Fernández, M. A., & Extremera, N. (2021). Emotional intelligence and eating disorders: a systematic review. Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, 26 1287-1301. Enlace. Descarga.
  21. Sánchez-Álvarez, N., & Bellido-Guillén, D. (2021). Salud mental durante el confinamiento impuesto en España: efectos de hacer ejercicio y sacar a pasear al perro sobre estado de ánimo, sintomatología depresiva e ideación suicida. Escritos de Psicología/Psychological Writings, 14 (2), 73-83. Enlace. Descarga.
  22. Urdiales-Claros, R., & Sánchez-Álvarez, N. (2021). Sintomatología depresiva e ideación suicida como consecuencia de la pandemia de COVID-19. Escritos de Psicología/Psychological Writings, 14 (2), 134-144. Enlace. Descarga.
  23. Extremera, N. (2020). Coping with the stress caused by the COVID-19 pandemic: future research agenda based on emotional intelligence. International Journal of Social Psychology/Revista de Psicología Social, 35 (3), 631-638. Enlace. Descarga.
  24. Extremera, N., Mérida-López, S., & Sánchez-Álvarez, N. (2020). Inteligencia emocional: Avances teóricos y aplicados tras 30 años de recorrido científico. Know and Share Psychology, 1 (4), 11-18. Enlace. Descarga.
  25. Extremera, N., Sánchez-Álvarez, N., & Rey, L. (2020). Pathways between Ability Emotional Intelligence and Subjective Well-Being: Bridging Links through Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies. Sustainability, 12 (5), 2111. Enlace. Descarga.
  26. Rey, L., Pena, M., & Neto, F. (2020). Editorial: Protective Resources for Psychological Well-Being for Adolescents. Frontiers in Psychology, 11 211. Enlace. Descarga.
  27. Sánchez-Álvarez, N., Extremera, N., Rey, L., Chang, E. C., & Chang, O. D. (2020). Optimism and gratitude on suicide risk in Spanish adults: Evidence for doubling up or doubling down?. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 76 (10), 1882-1892. Enlace. Descarga.
  28. Mérida-López, S., Extremera, N., Quintana-Orts, C., & Rey, L. (2019). Does Emotional Intelligence Matter in Tough Times? A Moderated Mediation Model for Explaining Health and Suicide Risk amongst Short- and Long-Term Unemployed Adults. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 8 (6), 797. Enlace. Descarga.
  29. Nieto-Flores, M. P., Berrios, M. P., & Extremera, N. (2019). Job search self-efficacy as a mediator between emotional intelligence and the active job search process. International Journal of Social Psychology, 34 (1), 86-109. Enlace. Descarga.
  30. Peláez-Fernández, M. A., Rey, L., & Extremera, N. (2019). Psychological distress among the unemployed: Do core self-evaluations and emotional intelligence help to minimize the psychological costs of unemployment?. Journal of Affective Disorders, 256 627-632. Enlace. Descarga.
  31. Urquijo, I., Extremera, N., & Solabarrieta, J. (2019). Connecting Emotion Regulation to Career Outcomes: Do Proactivity and Job Search Self-Efficacy Mediate This Link?. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 12 1109-1120. Enlace. Descarga.
  32. Extremera, N., & Rey, L. (2018). Core self-evaluations are associated with judgments of satisfaction with life via positive but not negative affect. Personality and Individual Differences, 130 112-118. Enlace. Descarga.
  33. Mérida-López, S., Extremera, N., & Rey, L. (2018). Understanding the links between self-report emotional intelligence and suicide risk: Does psychological distress mediate this relationship across time and samples?. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 9 184. Enlace. Descarga.
  34. Gamarra-Jiménez, E., De la Torre-López, J., Pérez-Costillas, L., & Sánchez-Álvarez, N. (2017). Análisis y diseño intervencionista de la conducta suicida en población con dificultades socio-económicas. Enfoque preventivo desde la Psicología Positiva. Documentos de Trabajo Social: Revista de Trabajo Social y Acción Social, 57 100-124. Enlace. Descarga.
  35. Rey, L., Extremera, N., & Sánchez-Álvarez, N. (2017). Clarifying the links between perceived emotional intelligence and well-being in older people: Pathways through perceived social support from family and friends. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 4 (1), 221-235. Enlace. Descarga.
  36. Berrios, M. P., Extremera, N., & Nieto-Flores, M. P. (2016). Exploring the socio-emotional factors associated with subjective well-being in the unemployed. PeerJ, 4 Enlace. Descarga.
  37. Cabello, R., Sorrel, M. A., Fernández-Pinto, I., Extremera, N., & Fernández-Berrocal, P. (2016). Age and gender differences in ability emotional intelligence in adults: A cross-sectional study. Developmental psychology, 52 (9), 1486. Enlace. Descarga.
  38. Extremera, N., & Rey, L. (2016). Ability emotional intelligence and life satisfaction: Positive and negative affect as mediators. Personality and Individual Differences, 102 98-101. Enlace. Descarga.
  39. Extremera, N., & Rey, L. (2016). Attenuating the negative impact of unemployment: The interactive effects of perceived emotional intelligence and well-being on suicide risk. PLoS One, 11 (9), Enlace. Descarga.
  40. Fernández-Berrocal, P., & Extremera, N. (2016). Ability emotional intelligence, depression, and well-being. Emotion Review, 8 (4), 311-315. Enlace. Descarga.
  41. Rey, L., & Extremera, N. (2016). Forgiveness and health-related quality of life in older people: Adaptive cognitive emotion regulation strategies as mediators. Journal of Health Psychology, 22 2944-2954. Enlace. Descarga.
  42. Rey, L., Extremera, N., & Peláez-Fernández, M. A. (2016). Linking social support to psychological distress in the unemployed: The moderating role of core self-evaluations. Social Indicators Research, 127 (1), 435-445. Enlace. Descarga.
  43. Sánchez-Álvarez, N., Extremera, N., & Fernández-Berrocal, P. (2016). The relation between emotional intelligence and subjective well-being: A meta-analytic investigation. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 11 276-285. Enlace. Descarga.
  44. Extremera, N., & Rey, L. (2015). The moderator role of emotion regulation ability in the link between stress and well-being. Frontiers in Psychology, 6 1632. Enlace. Descarga.
  45. Nieto-Flores, M. P., Berrios, M. P., & Extremera, N. (2015). Recursos personales asociados a diferentes indicadores de éxito de la búsqueda activa de empleo. Behavioral Psychology/Psicología Conductual, 23 (2), 373-392. Enlace. Descarga.
  46. Peláez-Fernández, M. A., Extremera, N., & Fernández-Berrocal, P. (2015). Perceived emotional intelligence and aggression among adults: The moderating role of gender. Australian Journal of Psychology, 67 (3), 140-148. Enlace. Descarga.
  47. Rey, L., & Extremera, N. (2015). Core self-evaluations, perceived stress and life satisfaction in Spanish young and middle-aged adults: An Examination of Mediation and Moderation Effects. Social Indicators Research, 120 515-524. Enlace. Descarga.
  48. Salguero, J. M., Extremera, N., Cabello, R., & Fernández-Berrocal, P. (2015). If you have high emotional intelligence, you must trust in your abilities: the interaction effect of ability emotional intelligence and emotional self-efficacy on depression in women. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 33 46-56. Enlace. Descarga.
  49. Extremera, N., & Rey, L. (2014). Health-related quality of life and cognitive emotion regulation strategies in the unemployed: A cross-sectional survey. Health and quality of life outcomes, 12 (1), 172. Enlace. Descarga.
  50. Peláez-Fernández, M. A., Extremera, N., & Fernández-Berrocal, P. (2014). Incremental prediction and moderating role of the perceived emotional intelligence over aggressive behavior. Spanish Journal of Psychology, 17 1-11. Enlace. Descarga.
  51. Rey, L., & Extremera, N. (2014). Positive psychological characteristics and interpersonal forgiveness: Identifying the unique contribution of emotional intelligence abilities, Big Five traits, gratitude and optimism. Personality and Individual Differences, 68 199-204. Enlace. Descarga.
  52. Ruiz-Aranda, D., Extremera, N., & Pineda-Galán, C. (2014). Emotional intelligence, life satisfaction and subjective happiness in female student health professionals: The mediating effect of perceived stress. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 21 (3), 106-113. Enlace. Descarga.
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